Halfway Point

We’re at the halfway point in The Battle Frontier, and instead of covering matches for this week and run extremely late on getting this out, I’d thought I’d examine where teams are in the Tiers from Ace-Legendary as of the start of Week 5. Don’t worry Open, I’ll get around to you guys… Eventually…

Legendary Tier

Toughest Schedule Remaining: LU: EU Emperors – They got a team fighting to stay in Legendary, in-house competition with LU: Vanguard, and then the world’s most legendary rivalry resumes with Chicago in between those two. It’s between either one of the LU teams, and if you want to say Vanguard (who has LU: EU, Deoxys, & RPS left) has the tougher schedule I’m not knocking ya.

Threat To Steal The Tier: Deoxys Alberta Forme – Chicago & EU go steel-on-steel in Week 6, Sky Dragons Gaming has a revenge game in Week 6 vs RPS, and Vanguard has the toughest schedule left BY RECORD but not necessarily anything but pride being on the line in two of those matches…

Losing Their Luster: Rock Paper Slark – Look they’re two games ahead of 7th & 8th place, but that 15-6 loss to EU has them within striking distance for both Acopalipse & Sharks & Rec. Gonna be interesting watching them the rest of the way.

Best Thing Remaining: Chicago vs EU Emperors in Week 6, Rock Paper Slark vs LU: Vanguard in Week 7

Champion Tier 

Toughest Schedule Remaning: Backstage Battlers – fucking WOOF!

Threat To Steal The Tier: BraveNerds? – Unlike Legendary, There’s two tied in the win column for 1st, and BraveNerds are the only ones close to both in terms of Points For (trails by 7 & 8 points). If it wasn’t for those two losses BraveNerds have, I’d confidently say they’re a threat to steal, but as it is now they need help in doing so.

Losing Their Luster: Evanstonks – Lost three straight after a Week 1 win and now they’re looking real relegationish 

Best Thing Remaining: NEB: Udder Madness vs Muddy Water in Week 6, especially if they’re still unbeaten, all of Week 7

Elite Tier 

Toughest Schedule Remaining: Northeast Battlers – That Texas loss may hurt them in the end

Who’s Setting The Pace: TexasPVP – They have the tiebreak over NEB and are a game behind C-Shield while scoring more points than them, and that’s just keeping pressure on the Promotion Race. Their 16-5 handling of The Thunderdome has Thunderdome looking at the stars to avoid Relegation…

Losing Their Luster: The Thunderdome – Only reason they’re here and not, say, Lucky Muks, is that 16-5 loss to Texas. If that score had been closer, their chances at avoiding relegation wouldn’t just hinge on them flat-out winning games.

Best Thing Remaining: Every Lucky Muks game, NEB vs Canadian Shieldon Week 6, Mighty Thunderducks vs TexasPVP Week 7, Icy Wind vs Decidueye Dynasty Week 7

Expert Tier 

Toughest Schedule Remaning: iCarly PVP – They’re the only winless team in Expert, and their last three opponents are either fighting to avoid relegation or fighting for promotion, which includes a team they’re 0-3 against.

Don’t Be Surprised If They Dodge Relegation: Thunder Fury – Though they must win against either iCarly or OMEGALUL 

Lifting The Curse: TNT Flingulls – …there’s no way they go 0-3 with me mentioning them here, right? In a 3-way tie (via wins) for 2nd and face a Hammer Heads squad they’ve had success against and the surprising RoSlarkBo in Weeks 6 & 7

Best Thing Remaining: RoSlarkBo until they lose, TNT Flingulls vs Hammer Heads Week 6, Team OMEGALUL vs Slark Paper Scissors Week 7 IF OMEGA loses in Week 5.

Premier Tier 

Toughest Schedule Remaining: NerdyBirds – Sw1tchMstrz is on they ass, D’Nair Don’t Care is in both the Promotion/Relegation Races, and then The Great Unown is a daunting last hurdle if they get to that match unbeaten

It’s Hell Getting To Heaven: D’Nair Don’t Care – DDC’s closer to relegation than promotion, but the way the top 3’s remaining schedule is looking, these Dragonairs might not have a care about spoiling some chances at promotion.

Best Thing Remaining: Everything NerdyBirds, Pioneer Valley vs Fearsome Froslass, Pioneer Valley vs Sw1tchMstrz

Ace Tier 

Time To Eat Crow: Eastcalibur – Yikes! I said they wer going to win this tier, and they’re primed to stay in it for another cycle

Wait! Here’s More Crow: Thundersquirells – Damn! Being in the Thunderdome + spending last cycle in the Battle Pyramid seems to be paying off in ways that’s making me look foolish…

Forget The Crow, Eat Shit!: Coastal Kings – …Um… I have no retort. Coastal Kings can take whatever I said about them in this pool and rub it in my face… I’m… I’m going to go hide in the Distortion World for a bit… 

Also, as for the past couple of S.S. Tidals, some haven’t been uploading as they should be and I’m still figuring things out (it’s WordPress it ain’t that hard, MJ).

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